March 31, 2025

This has been a project in the works for probably much too long lol. This video provides a light overview of what needs to be done in order to prevent rats form entering your car. Given that most of the videos on this subject are pretty plain vanilla I decided I should add a little spin to it (haha!). This just hit YouTube. Enjoy!

Let me know what you think! Thanks!

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4 thoughts on “YouTube: How to Keep Rats Out Of Your Car FEAT Rat King Dave

  1. Hello,

    I live in a condo and have seen recent a rat
    Every now and then running in driveway when arriving home when dark. I just noticed droppings in my engine and as well as my husbands car. There is a dumpster nearby so I’m assuming they are attracted to that. Would you know if it is the condo associations responsibility to put traps out?

    1. Hi Elka! I apologize for the delay in my response. I took a break from my duties as Rat King for a few years, but now I am back to answer the call! To answer your question, it somewhat depends on which state you live in on whether a condo association or land lord will be responsible for pest control. In most states, land lords will be responsible for pest control as it falls under their requirement to provide a safe and healthy living environment for their tenants. Now the water gets muddied a bit when there are pest issues outside of your dwelling, but personally I think this goes hand in hand with the land lord’s requirement. Any comprehensive Pest Control strategy is going to cover both inside and outside your building. There may be a clause in your rental agreement which outlines their extent of the duties they will provide for pest control. I hope that you are no longer dealing with this issue, but I would reach out to your land lord and let them know of the situation and see if they can put some traps out or bait stations near the dumpster. If there is damage to your car though, I don’t think that land lords will take responsibility for something like that. I would be sure to leave your hood up at night and place the traps at the bases and tops of your front two tires (if you haven’t already been doing that) to make your engine compartment a less attractive environment for the rodents. Anyways, if you have any more questions, please let me know. Stay safe out there!

  2. I ordered your book in Oct. but have not received it. $9.99 was deducted from my checking, but no book !

    1. Hi Brian,

      Oh man. I haven’t checked up on this site in a long time and I am just now seeing your message (sorry!). I’d be happy to venmo you a 100% refund here. Please let me know if that works for you and I can email you with the address you provided when you posted this message.

      Thank you,

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