March 26, 2025
squirrels on the roof of a house

Despite their cute and fuzzy appearance, squirrels are pests. It is important that you understand the potential damage that these critters can cause.

In January of this year, NBC news reported* a rogue squirrel incurring $15,000+ of damage to a young couple’s home while they were on vacation.

So, with that said, YES! Squirrels can do a TON of damage to your home if left unchecked (not to mention cars! See How to prevent squirrels from eating your car wires)!

What to do if a squirrel is in your house?

If you have a squirrel in your house, you need to take action asap. Now in many states there are laws against killing squirrels, so the main plan of action here is to implement strategies to deter the squirrel from the home. Here are some easy steps to follow:

1. Place Diaotec Utrasonic Device in house

These Diaotec Ultrasonic Devices actually work surprisingly well in deterring squirrels (and safe to use around cats and dogs!). The device lets off ultrasonic sound waves in a beat pattern that squirrels really don’t like. Typically, if a squirrel is in the home, it is highly likely that they are in the attic. I would suggest placing this device close to your attic for maximum effectiveness.

2. Place two Zovenchi Solar Powered Outdoor Ultrasonic Devices Outside house

The Zovenchi Solar Powered Outdoor Ultrasonic Device acts very similar to the Daiotec device, but is meant for outdoor use. You essentially just stake it in the ground, turn it on, and it emits ultrasonic waves. I would ensure that you are placing the devices in spots that get some sun so that it can recharge. The reason why you want 2 is for maximum coverage on multiple sides of the house.

3. Plug up any potential entrances into the house with Xcluder Steel Wool

Xcluder is a great material to use for plugging up any potential entrances into the house because rodents can’t chew through steel. Once the squirrels are no longer in your house, I would wait at least 1-2 weeks before implementing this step. Squirrels sometimes nest in multiple different spots and have typically 2-3 nests that they rotate between depending on the weather. Before you plug up any holes (anything the size 1.5 inches or greater), you want to ensure that it is because of Steps 1 and 2 and not because they are just rotating nests. The last thing you want is for the squirrel to come back only to find that it needs to chew a new hole to get back into your home.

4. (Optional) Catch the squirrel in a Havahart trap

The Havahart traps are highly effective and are very simple to use. If none of the above are working or you would like to try an alternative route, catching and releasing the squirrel might be a great option for you (note: Be sure to check your local laws for catching an releasing squirrels). If you have identified the squirrels point of entry into your house, place the trap on the ground level and bait with grains, nuts, fruit and/or peanut butter. Also, be sure to remove any other potential sources of food such as a bird feeder in the area. Once the squirrel is trapped, cover the cage with a blanket or towel, then relocate the squirrel to somewhere over 5 miles away.


I hope that this article has been helpful for you! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below.

Thank you!!


2 thoughts on “Can squirrels do damage to your house?

  1. We had squirrels in the attic of the home we had in suburban Chicago. They chewed through the fascia board, then made a nest and started raising a family. We hired a handyman to repair the damaged wood, but a few hours before his arrival, we put a “boom box” into the attic, and played hard rock music at an obnoxiously loud level for awhile. It scared them off, the repairs closed off their way into the attic, and they didn’t return!

    1. Hi MaryJo! Oh man I am so sorry for the delay in my response. I had unfortunately abandoned my post as Rat King for a few years, but now I am back to fight the good fight, and defend the Kingdom!

      Wow great thinking with the music hahah! I’ve never heard of that before, but it makes a lot of sense. Squirrels are a bit cautious, and I could imagine loud noises scaring them. There are ultrasonic emitters you can get where the sound is outside of the range of human hearing capabilities, but I kind like your method. Anyways, glad it worked out for you and thank you for sharing! RKD

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