March 29, 2025

In order to help explain, let’s look at the main reasons why rodents may be getting into your car or house.

  1. Shelter (i.e. warmth, potential nesting grounds, safety from predators, etc.)
  2. Chew toys (i.e. electrical wiring, plastic tubing, copper pipes, anything that is Softer than their teeth)
  3. Food

Given that one of the main reasons is shelter, I think it is certainly safe to say that colder weather brings along with it more potential for a rodent intrusion.

When rodents are nesting (every 3-4 weeks), the temperature needs to remain a constant high temperature. Big drops or changes in temperature would influence the rodent to seek refuge in a more temperate area.

But, what about warmer weather?

If your car is regularly driven, it is most at risk for rodent damage during the night. Given that even on the hottest days the temperature cools off during the night to a more desirable temperature. On these nights (solely due to weather), your car wouldn’t be any more desirable than the rodent’s local burrow.

For homes or cars parked for extended periods of time, warmer weather can bring in the rodents if the shelter provided can maintain a more constant temperature than the outdoors (which is highly possible).

In extremes cases, both warmer and colder weather can bring with it the more potential for rodent damage. So the next time it feels too cold or hot to go outside, pop your car’s hood up at the next opportunity.

I hope that this article has been helpful. Please leave any questions or comments below!

Thank you!

Rat King Dave

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