March 18, 2025

The two most common rats in North America are the Roof Rat and the Norway Rat. Unless you live in a rural, deserty area (where Pack Rats live), your car is most at risk by either one of these two types of rats.

The 6 Main differences between the Roof Rat and the Norway Rat

  1. Habitat: The biggest difference between the Roof Rat and the Norway Rat is their habitat. Roof Rats prefer to live above the ground in trees, roofs, elevated platforms, etc. Norway Rats would be considered bottom dwellers and they prefer to live in underground burrows, basements, tunnels, etc. Splinter from the Ninja Turtles would be considered a Norway Rat since he lives in a sewer  (if this helps you get the picture).
  2. Color: Roof Rats are black with gray stomachs and Norway Rats are brown with gray stomachs. Hence, the reason Roof Rats are commonly referred to as Black Rats and Norway Rats as Brown Rats.
  3. Length: From head to tail, Roof Rats can be between 13-17 inches long and Norway Rats can be about 12-17 inches long.
  4. Weight:  Roof Rats can weigh between 8-12 ounces and Norway rats can weight between 10-17 ounces.
  5. Climbing vs. Swimming: Roof Rats are excellent climbers while Norway rats are excellent swimmers. Roof Rats will be more commonly found in your attic while Norway Rats on the ground level.
  6. Feces: Since you rarely see the rats little poop clues will help you determine which type you are dealing with. Roof Rat poop will be about a 1/2″ long with pointy ends while Norway Rat poop will be about 3/4″ long with blunted ends.

Other than these physical differences, both these types of rats eat the same foods, are nocturnal, and have very similar gestation periods.

So, the most important questions of all is, do you need to use a different pest control strategy against Roof Rats versus Norway Rats?

In my approach to dealing with rat problems, I factor in the psychology of the rodent which leads to high probability strategies. Psychologically, the Roof Rat is no different than the Norway Rat, so they can be treated against using the same methodologies.

For more information on the high probability methodologies suggested on this website, please see the Home page and the articles What 1,300+ Comments Say On How to Keep Rodents Out Of Your Car and So I’ve Successfully Evicted the Vermin. Now what?.

I hope this information was helpful!

Please leave any comments/questions below!

-Rat King Dave

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