February 22, 2025

Hello fellow Vermin Evictors, Rat Assassins, and Mouse Murderers!

I am very excited to share with you a MASSIVE project that I have been working on. Once complete, this will be the largest field study ever conducted on how to keep rodents out of your car.

I am compiling every website, blog post, comment, opinion and survey that I can get my hands in order to finally get to the bottom of what works and what doesn’t. So far, the results I have seen are shocking. It really shows which websites have not done any research on the solutions they are suggesting. I am proud to say that my suggestions on the home page are still valid. In this process, I have learned a ton and I will be making some updates to the home page and adding some new solutions as well.

Please stay tuned in the next 2-3 weeks for the release of this massive study. If you would like me to notify you via email once the study is published, please add a comment to this post or add your name and email address in the fields below.

Thank you!

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4 thoughts on “Preview: Largest Field Study Ever Conducted on How to Keep Rodents Out of Your Car

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